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Tuesday 28 April 2015

X Factor

All are special, unique...only some are. Only few have the X factor which sets them apart. For the rest of us we get eclipsed by the X factor of the select few and wonder most of the times why not me!!

Since childhood my mom would point out, ' Sara is so pretty' And i somehow got the message i was not...  ' Sara runs so fast... why can,t you'

Father being more subtle, would sigh at the progress card ' Next year you will top, don,t worry' And i grew up wondering what Sara had and i didn,t . The entire class flocked after her, boys and girls, teachers and parents. The X factor surely...

I gradually moved out of her shadow and was in the process of discovering me sans without any X factor. But life had plenty of Saras to offer and always I found an average tag following me and the brilliant one eluding me. Academics, career, looks, boy friends i fared okay with a great deal of struggle as i watched others fare spectacularly and of course some fail miserably.

Not that Sara had been a great success if i introspect her life now but she has done well for her...settled and independent. Or is it my habit to sulk, no i haven,t sulked all my life just i missed the X factor ,the oomph....

Though i,ve always told myself ' You are different!!'   I know i love myself  but like having a hundred likes after you upload a pic and comments overflowing after you add a post to your blog and being invited to every party which matters, having many men vying for my attention...

Yes i have out grown these a long time back or so i would like to believe. Yet i wonder people with the X factor... the blessed ones... or are they...

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